Sunday, October 22, 2006

Windows Vista build 5808

There are confirmed reports that Windows Vista build 5808 has been released to TAP (Technology Adoption Program) customers, it has also been suggested that testers will not get this build on Connect and it's unclear if this is a pre-RTM build shipped as such. Interesting to note is that 57xx was designated the RTM branch, there is no further information on a 5744 to 58xx jump, or what it implies.Jim Allchin cleared up conflicting reports to eWeek by saying that Windows Vista would not make RTM this week, adding that there was still work to do "We won't RTM (release to manufacturing) in a week," Allchin told MJ Foley on October 18. "We are in pretty good shape. And there are still months before (the January 2007) launch."

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